The hollow oyster

To be enjoyed all year round !

A total indulgence of taste with this mouthwatering shellfish from the Bay of Paimpol !

L'huître creuse de la baie de Paimpol © Oeil de Paco

A delicacy from the Bay of Paimpol with a long history ! The oyster industry saw significant development from the 19th to the 20th century, notably around Plouézec. From the 1950s, oyster farmers arrived from Morbihan, Charente and the Vendée, bringing with them new techniques. In 1975, the flat oyster was practically wiped out, and was progressively replaced by the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea Gigas).


Oysters can be eaten hot or cold !

You can enjoy a flavour of the ocean all year round with this unique-tasting delicacy...

Here all the information you need to tickle your tastebuds!